Short Story Excerpt: Princesses
Does anyone remember MSN Groups? The good old days of the internet! One of the groups I belonged to back in the day offered a little bit of everything. I remember there were threads for PSP tutorials, kink talk, horror movie discussions, and paranormal topics. One year, there was a contest for the best Halloween short story. That’s how this horror story was born. I didn’t even give it much planning or outlining. I just sat down with pen in hand (I used to write everything out and type it up later in Word until I realized how much unnecessary work was involved in that process.) So, I wrote Princesses out in an afternoon. I won the contest. Since that first draft, I have revised and added to the story until it became the polished story that I included in Whispers From Hell: An Anthology of Horror and the Supernatural . Here’s a taste of Princesses : I find myself reminiscing about our first meeting and their consecutive visits. I imagine...